Mission Statement
Every Christian congregation is called to respond to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew's Gospel, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Yet, each congregation is called to its own specific mission within this Great Commission from our Lord.
The people of St. Paul's Church celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ and serve as witness of God's love through worship, fellowship, and outreach, daily living the promises made in our baptism.
Celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ
This Good News is that in Jesus Christ, we have been given the way to abundant life now and in God's kingdom, forever. Our lives need not be controlled by fear, sin, and death but lived in faith, hope, and love. As stated in John's Gospel; For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. This is what we celebrate.
Serve as witnesses of God's love
Jesus tells us that he came not to be served, but to serve. As his followers we too are called to a life of service. Service first and foremost to God and secondly to our fellow human beings. Part of that service is to witness and to bear testimony by word and deed of our life in Jesus Christ.
Through worship, fellowship and outreach.
Worship is the primary way we honor and glorify God. As we honor God we discover that God blesses us. This includes the blessing of Holy Communion. The Bible tells us that early Christian communities grew quickly because others could see the love of the Lord they shared with one another.
While we sometimes fail, loving one another is at the heart of the fellowship we share in our Lord. Every Sunday and in smaller groups throughout the week we are nurtured in fellowship together in the Lord.
Our outreach moves us beyond ourselves to respond to the needs of others. See us daily living the promises made in our baptism. These promises involve renouncing evil in all its forms; seeking forgiveness when we fail; accepting Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives and Savior of our souls; and being grounded in Scripture, watered by prayer and nurtured by the Holy Spirit day by day.