Our Services
Sunday Eucharist at 9:30 am.
In person and also live-streamed on the St. Paul's YouTube channel.
After the service, a recording is available on the St. Paul's YouTube channel and on the St. Paul's Facebook page.
Masks are optional at this time.
If you are not yet comfortable coming to church but would like to receive Eucharist at home, please contact the church office.
Our services use The Book of Common Prayer, 1979 and include readings from Holy Scripture, intercessory prayer, the sacraments of Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick, and blessings for important life events.
The service includes readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Gospel.
All baptized persons who recognize Christ's presence in the Bread and Wine are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Individuals who do not wish to receive Holy Communion are invited to receive a blessing.
Sunday ministries
Members of the congregation can serve as acolytes, lay Eucharistic ministers, lectors, oblation bearers, ushers, and altar guild on a monthly rotation. Please contact our office to have your name added to the list of volunteers. Acolyte positions are open to children beginning at age 11 and to adults. Lay Eucharistic minister positions are open to teens and adults. Acolytes and lay Eucharistic ministers require some training prior to serving. Contact Tami Lewis to schedule training. Altar guild works “behind the scenes” prior to and after Sunday worship. Please contact the church office if interested in altar guild.
Ministry descriptions
Lectors: Read the Old and New Testament lessons; lead the prayers of the people.
Ushers: Greet worshippers as they enter; distribute bulletins; help coordinate crowd flow at Communion; document attendance.
Oblation bearers: Present the bread and wine to the acolyte at the start of the Eucharist.
Acoltyes: light and extinguish candles; carry the processional cross.
Lay Eucharist ministers: acolyte duties if needed; assisting the Priest / Deacon in the setting of the table by providing utensils and elements; ringing Sanctus bells; administering the Chalice to congregants.
Altar guild: Prior to Sunday Mass, clean/polish silver vessels and brass Communion rail; set up for Communion; fill candles; remove the dust cover from the altar; dust and vacuum the Church. After Mass, clean and put away vessels, replace the dust cover on the altar; take linens home to launder.
Other ways to serve
Lay Eucharistic visitors take communion to the sick and shut-in. Contact Betty Jo Boyer if interested in joining this ministry.
Youth education leaders meet with the children during part of the Sunday service to provide age-appropriate Christian education / activities.
General pastoral care: Send cards to congregants on birthdays and anniversaries or when support or congratulations are in order; call / visit shut-ins.
Coffee hour hosts provide a simple snack and clean up after fellowship time following Mass. Coffee, tea, and juice are provided by the church.
Volunteer time during the week to weed the Memorial Garden and front landscaping areas. Take a turn doing some of the routine cleaning tasks around the church and parish hall.
Do you have a specific talent you’d like to share? Music? Art? Let us know how you would like to share your talent!